With the rise of social media, traditional election campaign methods have been replaced by digital media channels, where political activities are now actively taking place. These channels are also emerging as a powerful platform tool among all age groups, particularly younger demographics, for political advertisers looking to grab voters’ attention with eye-catching content.
Ahead of elections 2024 in Pakistan , social media sites are popping up daily with variety of political activities and the most popular ones are the ever famous Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are seen busy with various political parties campaigns, said a report aired by a private news channel.
The social media is going to be the most effective tool for election 2024 campaigns with its the supporters of different political parties using applications, said a citizen.
Personal communication via social media brings politicians and parties more closer to their potential voters, said a youngster.
Social media was allowing politicians to communicate faster and reach citizens in a more targeted manner and vice verse, without the intermediate role of mass media, said a Politician.
Citizens of all ages have started taking an interest in politics more, adding, it is now easier for them to evaluate a political party or candidate through social media platforms.
The social media era has brought both opportunities and challenges to the field of political advertising, said a young user of social media.
Employing a comprehensive, agile, and ethical strategy can be the key to effective political communication in this digital age, said another user while commenting the issue.
With the right tools, planning, and adaptability, social media platforms can be harnessed to significantly impact public opinion and, ultimately, election outcomes, said a political figure while appreciating social media campaigns.
Social media can also lead to the spread of false or manipulated information about candidates or parties during election periods so concerned authority should manage these crises as well, said an IT expert. Voters can express different opinions by commenting on or sharing campaign messages, said another user of social media.
Social media has brought a new change in political awareness, debate, and democracy in Pakistan, said an educationist, adding, If youngsters should be well-trained, impactful for social media users, they can reshape Pakistan’s fractured polity for the better.