Special Assistant to Punjab Chief Minister on Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Tuesday said the Punjab government was going to start a “Service at your doorstep” programme for providing best services to people and to improve working of the government departments.
Talking to the media here, the SACM said that Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar issued directives to the bureaucracy that they should ensure solution to the problems of people. She said that directives had been issued that district administration and other public serving departments should change their behaviours in the larger interest of the people.
She further said the CM had issued directives for on spot solution of the problems of people and added that an application was being launched to make this programme effective.
Dr Firdous said for the first time such a system was being introduced, the purpose of which was to ensure accountability of the entire staff from top to bottom. She said that cooperation of people was vital to make this programme a success.