Prime Minister Imran Khan’s clean, green vision of ecosystem restoration in unison with job creation has helped the government to ensure over 100,000 green employment opportunities along with nature conservation since its inception in 2018.
The Ministry of Climate Change, since the inception of the government, adopted the multi-pronged strategy of the Prime Minister to enhance climate change resilience, adaption and mitigation of the country, said Three Years Performance Report of the Ministry of Climate Change launched by the Prime Minister here on Thursday.
In recognition to the government’s lead role in climate action, the UN gave hosting of World Environment Day 2021 and launch of UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration to Pakistan.
The government not only hosted the World Environment Day 2021 in partnership with United Nations Environment Programme on June 5, 2021 under the theme of ‘ecosystem restoration’ rather formally launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021 – 2030. Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme (TBTTP) was launched by the government in September 2018 with the aim to revive the forest and wildlife resource in the country.
The programme has achieved a target of one billion plants with a cost of about Rs. 16.5 billion. Besides that the programme provided about 165,000 green jobs. It was one of the main sources of livelihood for poor communities in rural areas amid the COVID 19 pandemic.
To promote Agriculture in the country, Billion Tree Honey was launched as a coherent effort of different Ministries and Agencies.
“It is estimated that the existing forest resource will increase to about 5.5 million hectares after addition of new areas being planted and regenerated under TBTTP by 2022-23 whereas some 10,000 bee keepers are using 300,000 colonies for producing 7,500 metric tons of honey annually,” the Report said.
The Green Stimulus launched was based on the priorities of the government for creating greater job opportunities during and post COVID-19; the Ministry proposed a “Green Economic Stimulus”.
“World Bank (WB) Grant of $ 60 million is proposed to provide short term relief in the shape of job creation and livelihood operations,” the report said.
Protected Areas Initiative (PAI) was launched to improve management and governance of 23 Protected Areas in the country. The initiative would result in preserving rare biodiversity, promote eco-tourism and create an estimated 5,500 jobs.
The Ministry under the Prime Minister’s vision of ecosystem conservation declared Astola Island as first marine protected area of Pakistan.
The National Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) has satisfactorily completed readiness phase and is progressing towards demonstration phase.