Senior Defense analyst Brigadier Retd Mehmood Shah Tuesday said Father of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had a special love for Pakistan Air Force (PAF) who considered it extremely vital for security and defence of the country.
Despite his poor health, he said Quaid-e-Azam had visited Royal Pakistan Air Force (RPAF) School, Risalpur in Nowshera district on April 13, 1948 as first Governor General of Pakistan where he addressed PAF officers and cadets. Talking to APP, he said Quaid e Azam had highlighted importance of a strong air force for the newly created Pakistan during his visit to RPAF Academy now called PAF Asghar Khan Academy Risalpur in Nowshera district.
PAF Asghar Khan Academy was the only military training institute of the country that was visited by Father of the Nation after creation of Pakistan. In March 2017, PAF Academy Risalpur has been named after Air Marshal Asghar Khan, who was the first Muslim Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Air Force.
In his landmark inclusive and foresighted address, Quaid-e-Azam laid great emphasis on establishment of a strong air force for security and defense of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam said, “there is no doubt that a country without a strong Air Force is at the mercy of aggressor. Pakistan must build up her Air Force as quickly as possible.”
The great Quaid further said, “It must be an efficient Air Force second to none and must take its right place with the Army and the Navy in securing Pakistan’s defence.” Quaid’s dream of making the PAF second to none, did not take longer time to become a reality and today a strong PAF was before the nation that proved its power in 1948, 1965, 1971 wars and February 27, 2019 LOC’s encounter against the enemy.
He said PAF had broken back of the enemy and inflicted colossal humans and material losses to them in 65 war.
PAF has adopted aggressive and courageous approach against the enemy besides provided the much needed aerial support to the ground forces of Pakistan during 1965 war.
“The superiority in numbers did not decide ground and air battles rather better training, high moral, leadership skills, indomitable courage and fighting spirit are deciding factors in winning or losing wars.”
PAF officers and jawans had demonstrated exemplary courage, leadership qualities, unmatched valour and bravery in protection and defence especially in Lahore, Sargoda, Sialkot, Qasur and Azad Kashmir during 65 war. Squadron Leader MM Alam made history when he shot down two enemy hunter aircrafts and damaged three others on 6th September.
He destroyed five more enemy hunter aircrafts in less than a minute on 7th September, which was unprecedented in the history of Air Force in the world.
Flight Lieutenant Imtiaz Ahmad Bhatti and Squadron Leader Sarfaraz Ahmad Rafiqui had thwarted nefarious designs of the enemy on Halwara and destroyed several enemy’s aircrafts. Squarden Leader, Sarfaraz Rafiqui Shaheed has fought bravely in 65 war and embraced Shahadat for defence of the motherland. Squadron Leader Sajjad Haider displayed an exceptional leadership, indomitable courage and flying skills in air operations against enemy during the said war.
Brig Mahmood Shah said the shooting down of two Indian warplanes inside LOC one fell in Azad Kashmir and other in Indian Illegally Occupied Jummu and Kashmir besides capturing of an Indian Pilot on February 27, 2019 had proved the highest standard of professionalism and strength of the PAF.
He said the unity exhibited by the nation after Indian air strike on Balakot in February 2019 was the same like the spirit of 65 War. He said PAF was the pride of nation and made Pakistan’s defence impregnable.